Tuesday 16 September 2014

Spring has Sprung!

Well, after 18 months so much has happened down here on the South Coast for The Dale Family. Businesses opening and closing, new careers being launched and others short lived, (despite all the best intentions, I don't think I will ever be a teacher), new schools for the girls, new friends and lots of normal stuff in between.  Thank goodness there is one thing you can always rely on and that is the change of seasons and Spring is so welcome!

Our garden is bursting with blossoms and new leaves. The smell as you walk through it is overwhelming and evokes many happy childhood memories. Unfortunately with the change of season there has been a horrible bout of virus spreading through the playground and our newly turned 6 year old has been struck down again. So today is all about barbie movies, wet washers and ice blocks. For me, it is all about getting over the madness of yesterday's birthday celebrations and looking after my Bella.

You never know perhaps I will get some cutting done for the smoky pink cross quilt that is next on my ''Quilting To Do List''.